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Sunday 9 August 2015

How Zinc Is Important For Your Body


Zinc is an essential part of nature. It is a trace mineral and is abundantly found in the human body. It can either be found in food items or may be found in the dietary supplements. It is an essential component in teeth, hair, nails, liver, skin, sperms, etc.

Metabolic Functions of Zinc:

thyroid gland Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your BodyThyroid function
- Zinc is required in the synthesis of thyroid hormone.
Formation of bone- Zinc is necessary as it plays the role of enzymes in the production of collagen and Alkaline phosphatase.
Formation of Calcitonin- Calcitonin inhibits the breakdown of Calcium.
Zinc- A Weapon of Immunity!
zinc benefits 050713 Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your BodySince this amazing gift of nature is present in the skin, mucous membrane and on the surface of lungs and throat it has been given the task of performing anti microbial functions. It diminishes inhaled bacteria or viruses. Moreover, Zinc also aids the production of White blood cells. These types of cells build up the major defense mechanism of immune system in human body. So the next time you are hit by a viral attack, don’t just run for antibiotics. Give Zinc a chance. 

Zinc and its Antioxidant Powers 

antioxidant dieatry supplement Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your Body
We living in a polluted environment of cities in Pakistan, have an increased tendency to accumulate oxidants and toxins in our body. This renders are drastic problem in the inclination of treatment. Antioxidant poses a helping hand in the healing of many disorders and diseases. Zinc protects cells (the building block of body) from oxidative damages and protects our liver against such damage.

Victim of Zinc deficiency?

Following are the symptoms of zinc deficiency which will aid you in knowing the signs at an earlier stage: 
1- White Spots on Nails
white spot Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your Body
2- Hair Loss
hairloss Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your Body
3- Skin disorders such as stretch marks, acne, dry skin, etc.
4-Poor growth in children
growth Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your Body
5- Decreased wound healing
6- Poor night vision, etc. 

Shop wisely for Zinc

Opt for a wiser grocery list when shopping for home. The following items are rich natural source of Zinc.
fruits Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your Bodyprotiens Zinc and Different Ways It Helps Your Body

  • Proteins- Chicken, Mutton, Beef, Lamb and Eggs.
  • Fish, Prawns, Oysters, etc.
  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Fresh seasonal fruits.


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