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Saturday 8 August 2015

10 Great Ideas To Organize Your Home


Here are 10 amazing inexpensive home decorating and organizing ideas. Even if you follow just one of these tips a week, your house will finally look organized within couple of months!
1. Find eye-catching colourful containers for all the items in the kitchen, like, sugar, pasta, flour, tea, spices etc. or have a separate rack on wall for them to have more space on the counter.

Kitchen Containers 31 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

2. Get a hanging rack to hang pots and pans. It looks amazingly stylish and let you resourcefully accumulate habitually used apparatus.

cabin fever 10 0113 lgn 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

3. The secret to keep the mess out of the bathroom is to hoard all the small, loose items in separate baskets.

medialibrary 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

4. Place a colourful bathroom rug in front of your bathroom sink and commode.

Modern Bathroom Rug Sets Design 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

5. Make your bathroom look like a spa. Buy colourful towels, add a few candles and light them at night when you have guests or dinner party at your home.

images 11 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

6. Art doesn’t necessarily have to be a big investment. Slash out 10 pages from your favourite book or magazine or any artwork that you like. Purchase 10 inexpensive framesfor those pages. Put the frames alongside in a row on a wall. Repetition is influential.

gallery wall 1 1024x686 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

7. Systematize your bookshelves. Set books by names in ascending or descending order.Stand some of the books upright, and stack some horizontally to break the tedium. Mix in favourite small pieces of ceramic objects, collectibles, shells, family photos or any of your other favourite objects.

how to organize bookcase 2 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

8. Have a party at home and ask your friends/guests to bring a small plant in a potPlace the pots at your favourite place in home or in the garden. You can put up tags (cute messages) on them, written by your friends.

colourfull flowers pot with small plants 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

9. Start organizing and buy drawer dividers. It will be a life changing experience for you!

master bathroom drawer dividers 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

10. Place a cute colourful laundry basket in the corner of your room. It helps clean the room in no time especially in emergency cases. Put all the items scattered around in the basket.

delbi laundry basket 1024x744 10 Striking Ideas To Organize Your Home

Trying these easy-to-do ideas to organize your home will not only make your house look nice and organized but will also make things easier for you!


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