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Sunday 2 August 2015

5 Beauty Resolutions for 2015


5 Beauty Resolutions for 2015

It’s the new year! With new year’s resolution lists ready, you can’t skip out on keeping beauty resolutions at the top of your list for self-improvement in 2014. Realistically, sticking with a few key resolutions for your beauty routine will make for a better 2014. Make this year the time to put effort into your beauty routine and to pledge to adopt healthy beauty habits to keep you looking glamorous!
To make resolutions successful, you’ll need to reflect back at 2013 and analyze your beauty routine. Think about what worked for you and what didn’t.
We want to share 5 important beauty routines that you should stick with to take better care of your skin, hair and makeup routine. Making a manageable list of goals is always easier to stick with.

Invest In Quality Beauty Tools

thumb 5 Beauty Resolutions for 2014From makeup sponges, brushes and eye lash curlers- these can all be overlooked. Investing good makeup sponges and throwing out the old can eliminate patchy foundation application and prevent your skin from breaking out.
Makeup brushes are essential for basic application of powder or liquid products. 4 beauty tools every girl should have is a blush brush, eyeshadow brush, foundation brush and eye lash curler. All of the brushes should be soft with dense bristles for seamless makeup application, investing in better quality brushes can allow your makeup to blend into your skin easily and flawlessly.

Cut Out Harmful Chemicals

Hair fall 5 Beauty Resolutions for 2014Chemicals are always found in our skincare and hair care products. Switching to products that cut out harmful chemicals will benefit your health in the long run.
With more hair loss occurrence in women, analyzing what’s in your shampoos and hair styling products will improve your hair greatly. Invest in better skin care products- it’ll be worth the splurge in the long run.

Toss Out Old Makeup

Old Makeup 5 Beauty Resolutions for 2014
As important as it is to wash your face every night before going to bed, it’s essential to keep your makeup kit free from bacteria. Any product you own that’s been lingering in your stash for too long should be tossed out. Powder products you can keep since they can be cleaned and sanitized. Liquid products, liquid eyeliners and mascara should be thrown away every 8 months to avoid eye infections. Foundations you can keep around 18 months.

Experiment with Daily Makeup

Bright eye makeup 5 Beauty Resolutions for 2014With a mundane daily routine- taking out fun eyeshadow colors and lipstick shades will keep your makeup looking interesting and fun each time around. Sure we can get caught up in the typical natural makeup look but we can end up spending so much on makeup that we can overlook some quality products. Finding what works for you can lead you to a better understanding of your face structure and how to look the best everyday.

Healthy Skin and Hair Routine

Healthy skin 5 Beauty Resolutions for 2014Last but not least- a healthier skin and hair routine is a must. This means moisturize more and drink more water. Staying hydrated can make your skin look and feel luminous naturally. A weekly at home facial can also help improve your skin’s texture.
Conditioning your hair with oil or a lightweight leave in conditioner can help prevent thinning of the hair. Applying a nighttime eye cream and face cream will prevent premature wrinkles and dark circles in the long run. Who doesn’t want to end 2015 with flawless skin? 


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