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Sunday 2 August 2015

Best Concealers


Best Types of Concealers

Whether you suffer from dark under-eye circles, pigmentation, acne scaring or dark patches- concealers can do wonders to help you achieve a flawless complexion. As one of the most underrated products in Pakistan, concealers can quite often be looked over. Using just foundation on your skin doesn’t allow the best coverage to hide and conceal troublesome areas. Using the perfect type of concealer can work in collectively to create your best face.
Concealers come in a variety of types and finishes. If you’re not careful, the wrong concealer can highlight these areas instead of camouflaging them. Select the right concealer type for your skin concerns to correct any areas flawlessly.

Liquid Concealer

  • Coverage: Light
  • Pro: Brightens Under-eyes
  • Con: Thin Consistency
Rimmel Concealer Best Types of ConcealersThe thinnest type of concealer comes in a liquid form. With buildable coverage, a liquid concealer is best for those who have flawless skin to begin with but want to cover light discoloration around the under eyes and skin. These are the easiest to apply and blend into the skin effortlessly, covering a larger area with a thin layer.
Liquid concealers come in a wand or brush form, Maybelline Fit Me Concealer (625RS) comes with a wand and Rimmel Match Perfection (850RS) has a brush applicator. If your problem areas are 3-4 shades darker than your skin color, skip out on this one and go for a stick concealer.

Cream/Pot Concealer

  • Coverage: Medium to Full
  • Pro: Brightens tired eyes
  • Con: Can look unnatural
Milani Concealer Best Types of ConcealersCream concealers are heavily pigmented and perfect for those with under-eye bags, puffiness and prominent acne spots. These come in a variety of forms from pots to palettes. Typically cream concealers apply very easily onto the skin even with a thick consistency. Using a flat brush is recommended to pack on the concealer onto any area and setting it gently with a pressed powder to prevent it from sliding off your skin.
These work best for blemishes and severe acne scars which are prominent on the skin. The Milani Secret Cover Concealer Cream (765RS) and Kryolan Dermacolor Camouflage (850RS) both apply very thickly onto the skin which requires blending for a natural finish. Not using a proper blending technique with the product can cause it to look patchy and cakey since it’s a heavy formula.

Stick Concealer

  • Coverage: Full
  • Pro: Heavy duty coverage
  • Con: Creases on fine lines
essence Concealer Best Types of ConcealersWith full coverage pigmentation, stick concealers cover practically any problem area with just a single layer. The texture of stick concealers is often thick and heavy, applying thinner layers to build coverage can give you long-wearing results without looking unnatural. For severe dark under-eye circles, stick concealers are the best for full coverage. It’s recommended to choose a light peach or orange shade since the color counteracts any dark blue/purple tone on your skin, Art Deco Perfect Stick Concealer (795RS) and Essence Coverstick (360RS) both come in apricot beige shades to help with acne scaring and under-eye area.
With a thick consistency, stick concealers can often crease on the undereye area causing the product to collect in fine lines. To prevent this from occurring, use thinner layers and make sure to set your concealer with a pressed powder. Using a setting powder can lock in your concealer for long-wearing results.


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