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Sunday 2 August 2015

Eye Makeup Tips


Top Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyes

Hooded eyes are quite common with Pakistani women, no matter what age you’re at. This specific eye shape is defined when the upper skin tends to cover the eyelid area. When you can’t see much of the eyelid space, it’s difficult to figure out what makeup tips to apply to create a fresh and wide-eyed effect.
Using the correct makeup technique for your eye shape can create a look that will define and help your eyes stand out.
If you don’t like how eyeliner appears on your hooded eyes, you can accentuate them by using a creamy kohl pencil on the upper area of your lashline. Simply run the pencil gently on your lashine for a defined look.
tightlining Top Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyes
Soft Wing Liner
To bring a lifted effect onto the eyes, a winged liner can easily accentuate your eye shape if you have smaller eyes with hooded lids. Use a gel liner with an angled liner brush for a easy winged line.
Wing liner Top Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyes
Lower Lashline
Using brighter shades of eyeliner or eyeshadow on the lower lashline can bring a colorful look to your eyes since the main eyelid area hides much of your eyelook.
tightlining1 Top Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyes


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