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Sunday 2 August 2015

Best Skincare Tips Before Going To Bed


Skincare Tips Before Going To Bed

Taking care of your skin at night is crucial to maintain a healthy complexion. At night your skin goes through a renewal process, so before you go to bed its essential to maintain a routine with a few skincare tips. Not only does it help your skin looking radiant year around while ensuring your skin remains smooth.

Mild Exfoliate with Scrub

If you’re prone to dry, flaky skin it’s important to exfoliate every 2-3 days. A mild scrub at night will remove the dead skin cells from your skin pores and will allow the new cells to resurface.


Applying a toner that suits your skin type is important whether you have sensitive or acne prone skin. A toner balances the pH of your skin and preps it for moisturizing. After applying toner, do not dry your skin with a towel before applying moisturizer — just let your skin breathe and air-dry.

Cleansing Milk

For makeup addicts, after removing your makeup use a moisturizing cleansing milk to remove any residue left behind and add a boost of hydration. This will prep your skin for the night and allows your skin to breathe.

Hydrating Moisturizer

While you’re sleeping, this is time that your skin soaks up all of the products you’ve applied. Help keep your skin soft and smooth with a nighttime cream that will suit your skin type. You want something that gives your face just enough moisture. Make sure to massage the product into your face and neck, paying special attention to the area around your eyes and lips, which can get excessively dry. 


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