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Sunday 2 August 2015

Beginner Eyelashes Tips


Beginner False Eyelashes Tips

False eyelashes are known to be used on only bridal makeup. With heavier makeup looks trending- you might want to consider using false eyelashes to give you fuller, thicker lashes to lift your makeup look. The key to using fake lashes is practice! While these can look intimidating to try, a few helpful tricks and tips with a little patience can help you apply these with ease.
lashes Beginner False Eyelashes Tips
Be Comfortable
It’s important to be seated in a comfortable area with proper lighting and a big magnifying mirror. This will help you apply the lashes easily since the light will help you see where you are placing the lashes since it needs patience.
lashes1 Beginner False Eyelashes Tips
It’s in the Glue
Most false lashes are available with a small tube of lash glue. Although those might get the job done, for lasting lashes and the easiest way to keep them glued to your eyes is by using a good quality glue. This will make a huge difference in how it applies and sticks all day. Use a tiny amount of glue across the lash band and a little bit large on the ends of the lashes.
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Apply with Tweezers
Once the lash adhesive is applied, use a pair of tweezers to pick up the lashes and place it on your lashline. Making sure your eyes are open when placing, this is where the mirror helps. Place the lash at the middle of your lash line and then use your fingers to move the ends to the inner and outer lash line. Make sure both corners are pressed in place and are barely touching your lashline, it should be glued to the skin not the lash hair. 


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