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Sunday 2 August 2015

Best Eyeliner Tricks


Best Winged Eyeliner Tricks

Winged eyeliner is all the craze for makeup addicts, this techniques can create an elongated eye effect. While the look is a staple for many, creating the perfect cat eye flick can be intimidating. It will take some time to practice it perfectly but in the meantime we have a few handy winged eyeliner tips to help you out!
Guide Your Eyeliner with Tape
The easiest and foolproof method to create a perfect winged eyeliner is by applying a piece of tape to help you guide your winged eyeliner. Apply it from the end of your eye to the end of your eyebrow for the perfect shape and size.
Best Winged Eyeliner Best Winged Eyeliner Tricks

Creamy Gel Liner
It’s important to use a gel eyeliner that applies smoothly onto the eyes. Some of the best Gel Liners for winged eyeliner are from Maybelline, Essence, Loreal and Rimmel London.
maybelline eye studio lasting drama gel eyeliner1 Best Winged Eyeliner Tricks
Angled Liner Brush
Besides using tape to help guide you, using an angled eyeliner brush is perfect for easily sweeping the gel liner into the winged eyeliner shape.
Best Winged Eyeliner1 Best Winged Eyeliner Tricks


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